Go Jeromie! I’m excited to go down this road with you!!! This is a really thoughtful reflection. It’s fascinating how Fisher’s ideas challenge not just economic structures but the very ways we think and dream. Looking forward to seeing how your perspective evolves as you continue this journey!
Nice exploration, I loved that pull quote "Capitalism seamlessly occupies the horizon of the thinkable", a cautionary idea. This post relates to one I've done previously about [capitalism as a non-zero-sum game](https://nonzerosum.games/capitalism.html) and how our perspective of it can change its nature. And in case you're thinking I'm trying to draw you back into the fold of Capitalist complacency, I also intend to do a similar post for "socialism", which I believe is also a non-zero-sum game.
Good luck on your journey, fellow unrefined philosopher.
Go Jeromie! I’m excited to go down this road with you!!! This is a really thoughtful reflection. It’s fascinating how Fisher’s ideas challenge not just economic structures but the very ways we think and dream. Looking forward to seeing how your perspective evolves as you continue this journey!
Nice exploration, I loved that pull quote "Capitalism seamlessly occupies the horizon of the thinkable", a cautionary idea. This post relates to one I've done previously about [capitalism as a non-zero-sum game](https://nonzerosum.games/capitalism.html) and how our perspective of it can change its nature. And in case you're thinking I'm trying to draw you back into the fold of Capitalist complacency, I also intend to do a similar post for "socialism", which I believe is also a non-zero-sum game.
Good luck on your journey, fellow unrefined philosopher.